May 31st Community Update

Pushing forward and innovating

By SergioMay 31, 2024


Happy Friday, everyone!

Option B wins! So what am I talking about exactly? Well…

1️⃣ Ethernity DAO members were given the option to either task our development team with overhauling our NFT Marketplace with a redesign to match our new website (option A), or to build a Farmers Market Rewards Hub that includes implementing a user-friendly wallet connection system using Dynamic, among other things (option B).

The proposal, which ended Sunday, was finalized with 62% of people choosing option B. And I’m happy to report that work has already begun to achieve this.

2️⃣ Over in the Exorians universe…

The Exorians NFT collection is being helmed by our partners over at Culprit Studios, and they let me preview it. And now I have a feeling they will soon regret it because I was able to screenshot an image from the collection and it is now dangerously in my possession 😁

OK so here’s the thing: before I say anything else, please make sure you look around so that no one else is watching. Ok, we’re good? As long as you promise to keep this between me and you, I’m gonna share something. I just really hope I’m not breaking any rules by releasing it here on our blog, but sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than for permission—am I right? 🤫

Ok here it goes… check out this screenshot I took from the upcoming Exorians collection:




You’re welcome.

You know what? Screw it! Might as well also share this clip I found of a mind-melting fighting sequence between two of the characters from the fighting version of the main Exorians exploration game. Just scroll down to the end of this page to view it. #YOLO

If you don’t hear from me again, now you know why 🪦

3️⃣ Moving on, if you haven’t heard the news, please welcome Ethernal Labs’ new Co-CEO, Marcelo Pham! 👏

Marcelo will be joining founder and CEO Nick Rose in a leadership role. With his extensive experience in cybersecurity and blockchain technology, combined with influential roles at Google and Facebook, Marcelo will help lead Ethernal Labs into its next phase of growth. Together, they will accelerate the mission to revolutionize commerce for entertainment collectibles.

4️⃣ Real quick: For the following weeks, we will be heavily testing our testnet and aim to share it with you in June to play around! Busy, busy weeks in front of our L2 Dev team! More exciting news to come and be ready to keep testing with us!

5️⃣To tackle the growing issue of scammers, we've implemented an official #support bot. This bot creates a ticket for every enquiry raised by our users who need immediate assistance or wish to contact Ethernity representatives directly.

Please note, none of the Ethernity team members will DM you. If you prefer to reach out via email, use the form on the website.

That’s all I got for now, see you in the next update!

👇Tap on the play button below to view the Exorians clip:

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